Tuesday, May 29, 2012

backyard bbq 'n' boozing

Bottles o' Whiskey, Jager, Cider & Buckfast in hand,
I attended my first, full fun in the sun, London bbq
hosted by WeZ's manic mates from nth Ireland.
'Cookin with gas' need not apply this side of the world.. 
barrel of coals seems to be the norm.

Perfect for post food warmth!
They're not so silly.

Brilliant bunch of boozeheads!
The middle guy is a flight attendant.
He's worked at the Espy AND he knows what Coles is.
He spoke my language, it was lovely!!
A beautiful bright sunrise sent our shaky boozy
 bodies off to tackle the tube 'round 9am the next morning.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Within the last 30 hours:

No Baa-Baa blog speak and fancy scenery today..
Today, I present you my non-events:
I had breakfast in the backyard.. Summer's finally here!
This is bus 94.
It comes every 3 to 6 mins.
 It takes me from the station, to my sister, within 7 mins.

Yesterday evening, I waited 55mins for the 94.

A drunk, drooling on himself on the tube.
I went over 'n' tried waking him so he wouldn't miss his stop, no luck.
Completely out to it. I persisted.
Poked him in the head, lifted his legs up n down like a puppet, sang him a song..
He didn't wake, but it was an entertaining journey home for yours truly! 
A ladybeetle!
I'll never cease at the splendour of finding one.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tough day under english sun

It's about time I saw a glimpse of this so called summer!
Eventful day in the backyard in celebration...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

church... lighthouse.... church.... lighthouse

Come across a couple o' both in Ireland.
This being the case, they get their own merry photo hoggin' post..

Hook church.. or it was.

Hook lighthouse
The oldest intact operational lighthouse in the world. It's 800 years old
I can't vouch for the fancy facts but I do know they serve yummy lemon meringue pie if you're ever passing by!

This is the grounnds of St mary's church of Ireland
First erected in 1300s!
Year 1642 during the civil war, Irish rebels destroyed the interior of
the church and used it as a prison.
It was rebuilt round 1828.

I see you.
Uh huh, fun fact central today!
The dates facinate me.. Australia's got nothin' on these places!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Splendid scenery and Shell ridden sand

I'm rapidly becoming one of those holidayers who post views of green grass and blue skies... 
Jus' try stop me! The small corner of Ireland I experienced was positively lovely and shalln't go left unblogged!
Bush meets Beach.. different!

Beaches are covered in coloured shells, sand isn't as get-in-everywhere like back home.
Not as light n fluffy.
This is how I pictured Ireland to be! Green medows, stone walls.

The building in the distance has quite the tale to tell..
Somethin about a poker game back in the day gone wrong,
a man with a hoof and the devil shooting up through the roof!? Terrible retell on my part!
I'm told to this day they can't patch the hole in the roof without it falling through again.
Few people attempted to run is a B&B but guests were getiing nightmares, place doesn't do well for business!
aaaand got me another fix of driving..

Loved it!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sisterly skypage

Scored a decdent catch up with a rock star back home thismornin'..
Happy Days !

Ships 'n' shittin' bricks!

I've just spent a week exploring splendid South East Ireland :)

Road less travelled was the aim of my game to begin with so rather than ever so typically flying into Dublin, me 'n' WeZ decided to train it through UK, catch a Ferry from Wales ol' school style and stay in his home town.

A FERRY!! ME?!? 
I hate boats.
Well not boats, it's what's under 'em that gives me the heebejeebs.
Devilish fishes with their slimy bits. eek! makes me shudder!!
Why do it if I'm such a wuss?
Ferry = walk on, walk off, no border security. Entering another country, no bother! :o
I'm still waitin' on an EU passport so no security to send me back home = perfect!
Shit weather.. big boat.. foggy views.
Spent most the trip out of the weather!
Was a smooth journey.
Inside was great, bar was even better.
I shall do it again sometime!

Just when I thought I had the water 'n' boat trip business down pat..

Day 2, in the car, we came across this sign
err....I dunno 'bout driving onto a boat
Cup of concrete..  onto boat I drove!
Got to ditch the car seat on board, wasn't so bad!

Come home time..
Sun was shining! Boat shmoat! Bring it on!

Hangovers in tact we took comfort in a nap, top up of cider and a
grease fix on board.

Oceanic success!

Friday, May 11, 2012

It's a hard life!

Taken at The Hook Lighthouse, Ireland

This sunny snap marks 3 months
since arriving on foreign soil.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

geek week

A few people I know here have been harping on recently about the release of The Avengers.

I decided to get up to scratch with comic flicks. An easy task to accomplish in my new found accommodation as one of the dudes I now live with loves this shit. Handy!

Iron man, Hulk, Thor, Craptain America.
Watched the lot - hard life. I know, right.

Thus resulting in a necessary popcorn fix.. I saw the new flick 3D at an Imax last night.

I found it typically egotistical and thoroughly enjoyable.
Worth the watch!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


You know you're far from home when you spend ur evenin' drinking in a pub called 
'The Duchess of Cambridge'...

Another boozy night added to the cider baby growing in my belly!