Wednesday, September 12, 2012

job search, house search, job search, house search, job search..

neeeed an ace home, and some more pineapples!


  1. Harro Melanie, Loving your photos and Blog. Had a listen to Triggerman which was very good. Not sure about Planxy though. Think you need a few pints in you to get excited to this one. Hope your job and house hunting finish in success. Love to you and that bloke you are hanging around with. Vin XX

  2. Cheers Vin :)
    I'm glad you like Triggerman, they a lovely bunch of guys.
    Rest assured Planxty only comes out on days spent with alotta (often too much)booze ! !

    Got a trial tomorrow night in a bar in the city.. fingers, toes, short n curleys crossed it goes well!
    Hopefully one mission down, one to go..

    All my Love to you and your HH crew xx
