Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013 vs Mel

Dunno what it is about this year so far, but I've had somethin' wrong with me for most of it.
From off innards, to developing weird eczemary hands, to bad reactions to crapbiotics from dumb dentists, to gettin' my wisdom teeth yanked out yesterday - I'm feelin' SO damn sexy it's unbearable !

As result, I am now a pro at poppin' every pain killin' pill in sight, taking relaxing baths, watching terrible time passing movies, and consuming all the cheeky but soothing milo & icecram I can !

From woes to super heroes, WeZ has been amazin'!
He's cooked, fetched, cleaned, hugged 'n' supported with all his might to make me feel better.
Trooper deserves a holiday!
I might be feelin' sorry for myself physically, but I'm one of the luckiest girls I know!


  1. Bummer with your start to 2013. Hope everything turns around and you are 100% again soon. Tell Wez to keep looking after you, OR ELSE he will have Uncle Vin to report to. Get better soon. Love from me to you.

  2. I will be sure to pass on your message! Reckon you'll like him once ya figure out wtf he's saying through the accent ;) We're gunnin' for a long decent visit home in Dec :) x
